List of Publications
The following is an incomplete list of publications that use the IGLAD database or report about the IGLAD project.
- PREPER: A Public Dataset with Key Performance Indicators for the Safety Evaluation of Deep Learning Visual Perception Systems for Self-Driving CarsSAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles2024
- Analysing the Effects of Large Rearward Driver Seat Adjustments Using Real-World Crash Data and Stochastic Simulations with Multiple Human Body ModelsDissertation2024
- Holistic Pedestrian Safety Assessment – a novel approach to predict injury risks considering active and passive pedestrian safety system performanceDissertation2024
- An injury risk-based comprehensive framework for testing and assessing ADAS functions in critical road scenarios52th Conference on Engineering Mechanical Design and Stress Analysis (AIAS 2023), 2024 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1306 0120272023
- The Creation and Application of Harmonized Pre-crash Scenarios From Global Traffic Accident Data27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Yokohama, Japan, Paper Number 23-02662023
- Description of same-direction car-to-bicycle crash scenarios using real-world data from Sweden, Germany, and a global crash databaseAccident Analysis & Prevention Volume 168, April 2022, 1065872022
- Protection challenges in seat positions with large rearward adjustment in frontal collisions: An approach using stochastic human body model simulations.Front. Future Transp. 3:914481. doi: 10.3389/ffutr.2022.9144812022
- Vulnerable Road Users – a look at the IGLAD international in-depth accident dataBundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, 16th PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection2021
- Vulnerable Road Users – a look at the IGLAD international in-depth accident conference2021
- A Data-Driven Method Towards Minimizing Collision Severity for Highly Automated VehiclesIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (Volume: 6, Issue: 4, December 2021)2021
- Impact scenarios and pre-crash seated positions for Automated DrivingVIRTUAL Deliverable D3.12020
- Mining and comparative analysis of typical pre-crash scenarios from IGLADAccident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 145, 2020, 105699, ISSN 0001-4575,
- Key Injury Regions for Passenger Car Drivers in Frontal Crashes: A Comparison of Results from IGLAD and Finite Element Simulations using a Human Body ModelIn International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2020. IRCOBI, International Research Council on Biomechanics on Injury. 2020. p. 137-155. IRC-20-192020
- Accident Analysis, Naturalistic Observations and Project ImplicationsEuropean Commission Eighth Framework Programme Horizon 2020 GA No. 634149, Deliverable D2.12020
- Coherence assessment of accident database kinematic dataAccident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 1232019
- Vehicle Accident Databases: Correctness Checks for Accident Kinematic DataMDPI journal2018
- Challenges for Emerging Countries to join IGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident DataESAR Conference Hannover, Germany2018
- IGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident DataESV 2017, Detroit, USA2017
- Brazil's Option to Join iGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident Data,AE Technical Paper 2017-36-0183, 2017,
- Study on Serious Road Traffic Injuries in the EUEuropean Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, Directorate C — Land transport, Unit C.2 — Road Safety, 20162016
- International Comparison of the Protection of Children in Cars Based on the IGLAD Accident Data BaseProtection of Children in Cars, 14th International Conference, Munich, Germany2016
- Characteristics of Occupant Injuries according to the Types of RoadCrisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis2015
- Projekt IGLAD: Entstehung und Zukunft einer internationalen In-Depth UnfalldatenbankADAC Symposium Unfallforschung2015
- Establishment of Korean KIDAS under the limited accident related data6. Internationale Konferenz ESAR, Expertensymposium Accident Research2015
- Creation of pre-crash simulations in global traffic accident scenarios based on the iGLAD databaseFAST-zero'15: 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward zero traffic accidents, Gothenburg2015
- PCM from IGLAD databaseFAT-Schriftenreihe, Issue Number: 280, Publisher: Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik e.V., ISSN: 2192-78632015
- A Study on the Construction of the Database Structure for the Korea In-depth Accident StudyTransactions of KSAE, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.29-36, 20142014
- Multinational In-Depth Accident Data: From Concept to RealityESAR Conference Hannover2014
- Multinationale In-Depth Unfalldaten: Vom Konzept zur VerwirklichungVDI Kongress Fahrzeugsicherheit2013
- An initiative towards a simplified international in-depth accident database5. International Conference ESAR Expertensymposium Accident Research, Hannover2012
- IGLAD - A pragmatic approach for an international accident databaseVDA Technischer Kongress2012
- Internationale Harmonisierung von Unfalldaten Fortschrittsbericht des FIA / ACEA Projekts iGLAD (Initiative for the Global Harmonization of Accident Data)VDI Kongress Fahrzeugsicherheit2011