List of Publications

The following is an incomplete list of publications that use the IGLAD database or report about the IGLAD project.

  1. PREPER: A Public Dataset with Key Performance Indicators for the Safety Evaluation of Deep Learning Visual Perception Systems for Self-Driving Cars
    J. Bakker
    SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles
  2. Analysing the Effects of Large Rearward Driver Seat Adjustments Using Real-World Crash Data and Stochastic Simulations with Multiple Human Body Models
    F. Ressi
  3. Holistic Pedestrian Safety Assessment – a novel approach to predict injury risks considering active and passive pedestrian safety system performance
    C. Leo
  4. An injury risk-based comprehensive framework for testing and assessing ADAS functions in critical road scenarios
    M.-S. Gulino, G. Vichi, L. D. Lillo, A. Gianfelici, D. Vangi
    52th Conference on Engineering Mechanical Design and Stress Analysis (AIAS 2023), 2024 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1306 012027
  5. The Creation and Application of Harmonized Pre-crash Scenarios From Global Traffic Accident Data
    H. Liers, M. Petzold, H. Feifel, J. Bakker, E. Tomasch
    27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Yokohama, Japan, Paper Number 23-0266
  6. Description of same-direction car-to-bicycle crash scenarios using real-world data from Sweden, Germany, and a global crash database
    P. D. Fernández, M. Lindman, I. Isaksson-Hellman, H. Jeppsson, J. Kovaceva
    Accident Analysis & Prevention Volume 168, April 2022, 106587
  7. Protection challenges in seat positions with large rearward adjustment in frontal collisions: An approach using stochastic human body model simulations.
    F. Ressi, C. Leo, C. Klug, W. Sinz
    Front. Future Transp. 3:914481. doi: 10.3389/ffutr.2022.914481
  8. Vulnerable Road Users – a look at the IGLAD international in-depth accident data
    S. Breunig
    Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, 16th PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection
  9. Vulnerable Road Users – a look at the IGLAD international in-depth accident data
    S. Breunig, M. Wisch conference
  10. A Data-Driven Method Towards Minimizing Collision Severity for Highly Automated Vehicles
    M. Parseh, F. Asplund, L. Svensson, W. Sinz, E. Tomasch, M. Törngren
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (Volume: 6, Issue: 4, December 2021)
  11. Impact scenarios and pre-crash seated positions for Automated Driving
    L. Wagstrom, K. Bohman, M. Lindman, O. Laudon, E. Tomasch, C. Klug, M. Schachner, I. Levallois, P. Recko, F. Renaudin, E. Salters, A. Linder, J. Gross, A. Keller, K-U. Schmitt
    VIRTUAL Deliverable D3.1
  12. Mining and comparative analysis of typical pre-crash scenarios from IGLAD
    W. Hu, X. Xu, Z. Zhou, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, L. Xiao, X. Qian
    Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 145, 2020, 105699, ISSN 0001-4575,
  13. Key Injury Regions for Passenger Car Drivers in Frontal Crashes: A Comparison of Results from IGLAD and Finite Element Simulations using a Human Body Model
    F. Ressi, D. Kofler, W. Sinz, E. Tomasch, C. Klug
    In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2020. IRCOBI, International Research Council on Biomechanics on Injury. 2020. p. 137-155. IRC-20-19
  14. Accident Analysis, Naturalistic Observations and Project Implications
    PROSPECT - Proactive Safety for Pedestrians and Cyclists
    European Commission Eighth Framework Programme Horizon 2020 GA No. 634149, Deliverable D2.1
  15. Coherence assessment of accident database kinematic data
    D. Vangi, M. Gulino, C. Cialdai
    Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 123
  16. Vehicle Accident Databases: Correctness Checks for Accident Kinematic Data
    D. Vangi, C. Cialdai, M. Gulino, and K. G. Robbersmyr
    MDPI journal
  17. Challenges for Emerging Countries to join IGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident Data
    A. Longton, N. Parera
    ESAR Conference Hannover, Germany
  18. IGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident Data
    J. Bakker, H. Jeppsson, L. Hannawald, F. Spitzhüttl, A. Longton, E. Tomasch
    ESV 2017, Detroit, USA
  19. Brazil's Option to Join iGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident Data,
    A. Longton, O. Schulze, J. Bakker, N. Parera, et al.
    AE Technical Paper 2017-36-0183, 2017,
  20. Study on Serious Road Traffic Injuries in the EU
    L.T. Aarts, J.J.F. Commandeur, R. Welsh, S. Niesen, M. Lerner, P. Thomas, N. Bos, R. J. Davidse
    European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, Directorate C — Land transport, Unit C.2 — Road Safety, 2016
  21. International Comparison of the Protection of Children in Cars Based on the IGLAD Accident Data Base
    H. Johannsen, M. Jänsch, B. Schnottale, C. Pastor, J. Bakker
    Protection of Children in Cars, 14th International Conference, Munich, Germany
  22. Characteristics of Occupant Injuries according to the Types of Road
    I. K. Choi, H. J. Choi, K. H. Lee, H. Jung Kim, S. C. Kim
    Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis
  23. Projekt IGLAD: Entstehung und Zukunft einer internationalen In-Depth Unfalldatenbank
    J. Bakker
    ADAC Symposium Unfallforschung
  24. Establishment of Korean KIDAS under the limited accident related data
    Y. Youn, S. Lee, S. Kim, J. Lee, K. Lee, S. Kim
    6. Internationale Konferenz ESAR, Expertensymposium Accident Research
  25. Creation of pre-crash simulations in global traffic accident scenarios based on the iGLAD database
    F. Spitzhüttl, H. Liers, M. Petzold
    FAST-zero'15: 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward zero traffic accidents, Gothenburg
  26. PCM from IGLAD database
    F. Spitzhüttl, M. Petzold, H. Liers
    FAT-Schriftenreihe, Issue Number: 280, Publisher: Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik e.V., ISSN: 2192-7863
  27. A Study on the Construction of the Database Structure for the Korea In-depth Accident Study
    S. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Youn
    Transactions of KSAE, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.29-36, 2014
  28. Multinational In-Depth Accident Data: From Concept to Reality
    J. Bakker, D. Ockel, R. Schöneburg
    ESAR Conference Hannover
  29. Multinationale In-Depth Unfalldaten: Vom Konzept zur Verwirklichung
    J. Bakker, D. Ockel, R. Schöneburg
    VDI Kongress Fahrzeugsicherheit
  30. An initiative towards a simplified international in-depth accident database
    D. Ockel, J. Bakker, R. Schöneburg
    5. International Conference ESAR Expertensymposium Accident Research, Hannover
  31. IGLAD - A pragmatic approach for an international accident database
    J. Bakker
    VDA Technischer Kongress
  32. Internationale Harmonisierung von Unfalldaten Fortschrittsbericht des FIA / ACEA Projekts iGLAD (Initiative for the Global Harmonization of Accident Data)
    D. Ockel, J. Bakker, R. Schöneburg
    VDI Kongress Fahrzeugsicherheit