IGLAD Common Data Scheme

The IGLAD database includes information that is common to most existing in-depth accident studies and is defined in the IGLAD Common Data Scheme (CDS). The current data scheme contains 124 variables organized in four tables: accidents, participants (vehicles or vulnerable road users), occupants and safety systems. An overview of all factors that are encoded by the variables is given in the following figure with the number of variables per table in paranthesis after the table name.

AccidentParticipantOccupantSafety System
Accident Number Participant Type Occupant Type Type of System
Member Year Vehicle Make Age Status of System
Year Vehicle Model Gender System Activation
Month Registration Year Weight
Weekday Vehicle Mass Height
Time Engine Type & Power Police Injury Severity
GPS Long/Lat Number of Seats MAIS
Sketch Trailer AIS per Region 1-9
Country Speed Limit Seat Belt/Use
Accident Description Primary/Secondary Collision Front Airbag/Deployment
Collision Type Opponent/Collision Tubular Airbag/Deployment
Accident Type CDC/TDC Sidebag/Deployment
Accident Type Part. A/B Driving Speed Kneebag/Deployment
Main Contributing Factor Deceleration/Distance Seat Ramp Airbag/Deployment
Road Type Delta Angle Rear Airbag/Deployment
Road Surface Collision Speed Front Center Airbag/Deployment
Road Condition Delta-V Headrest Protection/Deployment
Lane Separation EES Child Seat
Light Condition Contributing Factor Bolster Table Children
Weather 1&2 Pre-Crash Scenario Helmet
Accident Severity
PCM Data Available

The codebook with a detailed description of the CDS and each of its variables is a publicly available specification maintained by the IGLAD consortium and can be downloaded here: IGLAD Codebook. Besides the data tables, the database includes a scaled sketch for each accident in a common vector format.

Pre-Crash Matrix

Since 2022 the Pre-Crash Matrix (PCM), which is a simulation of the pre-crash phase of the accident, is part of IGLAD. Just like the CDS, it is an open specification and can be downloaded from the website of the Verkehrsunfallforschung an der TU Dresden GmbH (VUFO) who is also an IGLAD member since the beginning. The following image shows the trajectories, environment, and dynamic data of a US case from the PCM data.

IGLAD Pre-Crash Matrix

A subset of at least 200 cases of the IGLAD dataset is provided as a detailed PCM dataset each year, serving as a scenario database of real-world accidents accross the globe. The PCM can be used for conducting tests and research on autonomous driving (AD) and advanced driver assistant systems (ADAS) on an international level. A free sample of three accidents, including their PCM data, is available for everyone who is interested in IGLAD. Please contact the consortium.

Countries and Case Numbers

The following map gives an overview of the countries and the number of cases they contributed to the merged IGLAD data set from all project phases. This comprises accident years from 2007 to 2022 with a total of 11526 documented accidents. Countries that are colored red are already covered by IGLAD and green countries are potential new data providers. Grayed out numbers are data providers that currently suspended data delivery.

Data Map